Yellow is the color of my failure

Just kidding, I’m awesome!

Dave-smileSuccess is much more sexy, but “faking it until you make it” sometimes sticks in my throat like a hard dinner roll making it physically impossible for me to mouth the words, “Everything is awesome, I swear.” Truthfully, this obsession with having a “rad” life free of pitfalls is frightening to me.

If I mention my failures, does that mean everyone will see me as such? Do I really always have to run my own personal PR campaign, playing down my mistakes and rejections?  The fact is the most horrible failures in my life have made me what I am today. Without experiencing them I’d be a completely different human being.

Part of this ideology stems from the roots of a corporate culture that threatens our ability to exist and communicate with each other honestly and in turn leads to a soul sucking void of meaningless interactions. According to all the PR and social media wizards flooding the net with this stuff, we should all maintain a bland presence on social media pages and blogs. No swearing, no political talk, no mention of your pain, not only is this stuff a bummer, but hiring managers may not be interested in you if you act real. The corporatization of America has to stop and you and I can begin our resistance by refusing to brand ourselves to fit in with the mono culture.


When I recently took a test about what color are you, I got red. Red is my favorite color, and yellow is my arch enemy. Its the name I gave to a band I joined that kicked me out and kept the name. It’s a color of my failure to fit in with the sunny disposition that makes the money flow. I’m red, inside and out, can’t help it.

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